
Climate Beacon Newsrooms

The Solutions Journalism Network is leading a systems-level change in journalism so that all people – no matter how or where they get their news – have access to rigorous reporting not only about problems, but also about evidence-based responses to society's toughest challenges. This is especially critical when it comes to the climate crisis, where apocalyptic, unsolvable, doom and gloom stories far outweigh those that examine meaningful responses. Yet there are thousands of communities, nonprofit organizations, governments, and businesses working to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to changes already underway, and build resilience for the future. The news media can and should be reporting on these responses, and our climate team at SJN is working to make that happen.  

In December 2022, SJN launched its first Climate Beacon Newsrooms Initiative (CBNI). In partnership with Covering Climate Now, Climate Central and Project Drawdown, we supported nine newsrooms in integrating rigorous, community-informed and equity-focused climate solutions journalism into their coverage of the climate crisis.  Here is a story map of their work:


Scroll down to "Newest Stories" see watch, listen to and read a selection of the many stories they produced.

Each newsroom also selected a Climate Leader who completed SJN's rigorous Train the Trainer program, trained their newsroom in climate solutions journalism, and created a Climate Teaching Module to share their expertise on a particular aspect of climate solutions reporting with other journalists and newsrooms.  These modules will be available for SJN trainers to integrate into newsroom trainings in 2024, and they are also available for viewing below.

SJN will be opening applications for its next cohort of Climate Beacon Newsrooms in early 2024.  To learn more -- or if your newsroom is interested in a climate-focused newsroom training on solutions journalism -- email Climate Initiative Manager Katherine Noble at  

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