Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • ICE Came for a Tennessee Town's Immigrants. The Town Fought Back.

    After a raid in a Tennessee plant resulted in 97 immigrants being detained, and 130 American-born children affected, a town came together to help their immigrant neighbors. A church was converted into a crisis response center, professors organized a speaking event at the college, 1,000 attended a prayer vigil, and 300 marched in a protest downtown. “We love Morristown. We are here to send a message of love and unity.”

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  • How Canadian Cops Ended a Decade-Long Fight Over How to Manage the World's Polar Bears

    Differing laws, policing, and management across borders has made it difficult to combat the huge industry that is Wildlife Crime, but a new approach in Canada is showing the way for some common ground. By collaborating with local sellers, a micro-chip can be attached to pelts to track their movement and discern whether the pelt is being sold illegally or not -- even across borders.

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  • Displaced Sri Lankans defy military to reclaim homeland

    26 years after being displaced from their land, hundreds of Tamil civilians orchestrated a plan that defied the Sri Lankan navy to return to their homeland. “Over 100 community members are now living on the island. Other plans to arrive in the coming months.”

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  • A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies

    In the state of New Mexico, policy makers, activists, religious leaders, and the community are all working hand in hand to make the state a safe harbor for undocumented immigrants. The state is refusing to cooperate with ICE and aside from California is one of the most friendly to immigrants. A community organizer says, “We wanted to push back against this narrative that ICE just gets to come in our communities and kidnap people from their homes.”

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  • A LinkedIn to combat rights abuse?

    Who Was In Command, is a database that publishes the “names, ranks, and command responsibilities of security forces in Nigeria, Egypt, and Mexico.” That’s because when security forces use excessive force, and commit human rights abuses, often people don’t know their name, and can’t report them. Now, the names are all available in one website.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Border Trilogy Part 1: Hole in the Fence

    In the 90s, a teacher at Bowie High School, located on the border city of El Paso, Texas, found out that hundreds of his Mexican-American students were being harassed and questioned by Border Patrol agents. Their fourth amendment rights were being violated and a group of students decided to fight back—they sued Border Patrol and won. The court ruled that Border Patrol violated their civil rights and the decision effectively barred Border Patrol from questioning people on the basis of their appearance.

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  • Why Swedish gangs use hand grenades (and what the country is doing about it)

    Sweden confiscated thousands of explosive items within months of changing customs laws. The move, along with an amnesty program, are efforts to combat a seeming rise in grenade use by criminal gangs.

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  • How whisper networks and female friendships help girls overcome sexual violence in conflict zones

    Around the world, adolescent girls are susceptible to sexual harassment but girls in crisis areas are likely to be forgotten, or the solutions do not reach them. A new training program is designed for such conflict areas. It focuses on the therapeutic importance of female friendships, creates safe spaces, and initiates discussions about gender violence.

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  • The deportees who want to 'Make El Salvador Great Again'

    The number of people deported from the USA back to El Savador is only rising under the Trump administration, leaving these individuals with the daunting task of starting over. English Cool is a program where deportees teach students English while acting as mentors and pushing them to think about ways to improve the country.

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